Delivery | 運送須知
Please pay attention on our shipping policy. Once you place an order, you hereby understand and accept the shipping policy.
- 台灣本島:購物不限產品,不限配送方式、付款方式,滿10萬元成為CT VIP 客戶即可享永久免運費。順豐宅配運費100元,711超商取貨不付款60元,711超商取貨付款65元。
- 台灣離島:購物不限產品,限配送方式、付款方式,滿10萬元當CT VIP 客戶即可享永久免運費。711超商取貨不付款60元,711超商取貨付款65元。
- 本店販售商品金額較高,為避免商品遺失,請使用順豐宅配,若使用711便利超商寄送商品,導致商品遺失,711便利超商60元運費,最高僅賠償NTD$1000元,請顧客自行三思,商品遺失本店不負任何責任。
- 以合作的順豐快遞寄送,貨到收運費。
- 以合作的DHL快遞寄送,運費NTD$1000元,USD$30元。
Domestic Shipping (Taiwan main island, outlying islands):
- Taiwan main island: $100 NTD for home delivery. $60 NTD for convenience store pick up (without payment). $65 for convenience store pick up (with payment). Purchase for grand total of over $100,000 to enjoy free shipping.
- Outlying islands:$60 NTD for convenience store pick up (without payment). $65 for convenience store pick up (with payment). Purchase for grand total of over $100,000 to enjoy free shipping.
- Customers are suggested to use home delivery method for shipping because of the high value of the items. There might be possibilities that you may found your items missing by choosing convenience store pick up. Please note, in this case, we are not responsible for the missing of your items and the upper limit of the compensation provided from the convenience store is $1000 NTD.
- 現貨下單後約1-3個工作天安排出貨(不含例假日),出貨後約1~3天到抵達,如有更改訂單將視商品狀況出貨,有延遲敬請見諒。
- 預購商品出貨日期較不固定,可看代購商品購物須知皆有詳細說明,無法等待請勿購買,以避免不必要的誤會。
Shipping duration:
- We will ship your items in 1-3 days after you place an order. You will receive your items in 1-3 days after we ship your item out. Please note that there might be delays due to force majeure.
- The shipping of pre-order items are not fixed. Please find pre-order items shopping policy for more details. Please do not place an order if you cannot wait.
宅配 (順豐貨運):
- 商品到貨後,週一至週五下午出貨,約1-2日送達。
- 周末/例假日/國定假日之訂單,將順延至上班日發貨,到達時間順延。
- 颱風假不出貨。
超商取貨 (7-11):
- 商品到貨後,週一到週日下午出貨,將於當日或隔日下午/晚上出貨,出貨日後3-5天送達指定超商,便利商店將寄送簡訊通知。
- 我們收到你的訂單發貨後,會盡快發送給你貨運單,其中記載著運送公司的細節以及包裹的追蹤號碼。你隨時可進入 順豐宅配/DHL 物流頁面中,追蹤你訂單的運送狀態。
- 記得在貨品交付時,先檢查包裹外包裝的狀態。若有任何異常或疑問,開箱時可全程錄影。
- 連假或是國定假日(過年、春節、中秋節⋯⋯等),將延遲物流時間,如無法接受者請勿下單。
- 疫情嚴峻、海關查驗等無法確定因素,將延遲物流時間,如無法接受者請勿下單。
- 本店販售商品金額較高,為避免商品遺失,請使用順豐宅配,若使用711便利超商寄送商品,導致商品遺失,711便利超商60元運費,最高僅賠償NTD$1000元,請顧客自行三思,商品遺失本店不負任何責任。